International Association for Biblical Education

Membership Renewal


Membership Renewal Process:

1. Notification: Receive notification from IABE 3 months prior to membership expiration.

2. Annual Report: Submit an annual report detailing institutional activities, achievements, and compliance with IABE standards.

3. Membership Fees: Pay annual membership fees.

4. Signed Statement of Faith: Submit a signed Statement of Faith affirming adherence to IABE’s Doctrinal Statement.

5. Review: IABE reviews the report, fees, and Statement of Faith to ensure continued membership eligibility.

Accreditation Renewal Process:

1. Self-Study: Conduct a comprehensive self-study assessing institutional compliance with IABE accreditation standards.

2. Report Submission: Submit the self-study report to IABE 6 months prior to accreditation expiration.

3. On-Site Visit: Host an on-site visit by an IABE evaluation team to verify self-study findings.

4. Accreditation Fees: Pay accreditation fees.

5. Signed Statement of Faith: Submit a signed Statement of Faith affirming adherence to IABE’s Doctrinal Statement.

6. Review: IABE reviews the report, visit findings, fees, and Statement of Faith to determine accreditation renewal.

7. Decision: Receive a renewal decision (accreditation granted, denied, or conditional).


– Membership renewal: every 1 year

– Accreditation renewal: every 3 years

Required Documents:

– Annual report

– Self-study report

– Accreditation fees payment receipt

– Membership fees payment receipt

– Signed Statement of Faith 


+ Application Renewal
+ Membership Dues & Fees